IAY ( Indira Awas Yojana - a Govt of India Scheme ) provides money to beneficiaries( rural
poor ) in 3 stages for new construction and to upgrade . There is currently no way for government to
know how this money has been utilized and to have irrefutable evidence of utilization. Also there is
also no way for government to identify that a particular beneficiary is repeated for a 2nd or nth time.
Similarly, the government also does not have mechanism to know if a particular site is being repeated
across many beneficiaries. To address these gaps, one of the methods , that Rural development
Department , Bihar wishes to consider is geo-tagging of IAY housing information to a database will
address this issue in a quick manner. GPMS was customized and developed as a cloud computing
solution for monitoring funds utilization under Indira Awaas Yojana (IAY) in Bihar-Geotagging solution and Brief Statement of Functional Requirements.
Awaas soft-Bihar, was developed for the purpose of IAY Project Monitoring & Verification
System, managing development of the people of Bihar. The centrally issued wealth is fairly
distributed among the citizens below the poverty line, who have registered at the Panchayath level in
the application.The Remote Eye Monitoring System (REMS) is used for beneficiary verification using
mobiles. The aim of the system is to reliably verify whether a house construction and the
corresponding beneficiary are as stated in the priority list
1. Dynamic recalculation of fund allocation if any input parameters change.
2. Changes in BPL status.
3. Changes due to beneficiary verification results.
4. Changes due to state/district level fund allocation.
5. Changes due to land availability & housing shortage updates.
6. Changes due to policy decisions and so on.
7. Keeps track of deferred beneficiarie.
8. Deferring the benefit due to lack of land.
9. Creation & maintenance of temporary suspensions.
10. Continuous alerts to officials of landless, pending beneficiaries.