Bangalore being the fifth largest city in India has a budget of Rs 14,000 crores. The BBMP
Accounts department at head office was not aware of the quantum of funds being received by them in
each of their respective 198 wards under each of the various R codes. BBMP approached Indian CST
to implement GPMS to monitor fund management in real time as it had done with the engineering
projects. GPMS cloud computing solution was customized developed by Indian CST for BBMP to
monitor all their various payments received by each of their departments across the 198 wards. BBMP
benefited by GPMS as it integrated all the various 936 branches of nationalized, private, cooperative,
banks across Bengaluru with their BBMP departments together across 8 zones, 198 wards for each
engineer to report revenue collected by them on daily basis to be reported in real time brining in total
transparency at all its BBMP operations. This by far is the single largest collection of civil
infrastructure project information in any government body in Karnataka where all the data of payment
collection and deposit into various Bank accounts of BBMP for which information will be entered
from across head office, all zones, wards, all respective BBMP offices in real time.
1. Revenue Monitoring System.
2. Revenue Receipt data entry sheet to enter Cash / Cheque / DD / Postal orders / Postal
Cheques wise information online.
3. Generate Automatic Receipt online.
4. View Receipt online.
5. Generate various kinds of GPMS reports