A Citizen-Centric Initiative
Citizen can send a blank SMS or "VIGEYE" to 09223174440 from their android phones. They will get a SMS containing the registration link www.vigeye.org. They can download Mobile application free of cost on the mobile phones which will empower them to do their fundamental duty (Article 51A) and make India better. Citizen should register first before you start uploading photo, audio, video, documents or complaints or suggestions relating to any issues of your interest.
1. In Project Vigeye citizen can report complaints of corruption,
2. In Make my India Better Citizen can prove their contribution to clean India,
3. In Secure India Citizen can report potential hazardous for state action to follow .
With the issues of concern uploaded by citizen on this platform, Indian CST a Public Charitable Trust will forward to the concerned state agencies for action and keeping the citizen informed.
Citizen's Responsibility
- Derives inspiration from Article 51A of the Indian Constitution which stipulates that it is the duty of every citizen of India to strive towards excellence in all spheres of individual and collective activity so that the nation.
Pashu Bazaar
- e-GOPALA provides platform to farmers in the country for managing livestock including buying and selling of disease free germplasm in all formsavailability of quality breeding services and guiding farmers for animal nutrition.
India Market Place
- Citizens direct access to all Government departments.One stop shop for all indigenous innovative technology solutions to fulfill the aspirations of modern India Knowledge as equity, create or promote Indian knowledge based companies.
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Fundamental Duty
- Indian CST wishes to promote through this one stop portal, a number of projects that will deliver cost effective computing, best practices, knowledge management systems and critical applications at affordable costs .
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Crowd Sourcing
- The aim of the Indian CST portal is to unite all the Indian's to one India, and this is first step towards networking making all Indian's to work together and make India great nation
Citizen Medical Records
- Delivers Digital Health Services at Citizen’s Door Step.Allows Multiple Ministry / Stakeholders both Govt and Private Healthcare Establishments to work on this single platform.Citizens can access medical records whenever and wherever they need it