About Our Trust

I. Who we are:

Indian Centre for Social Transformation (Indian CST) is a registered Public Charitable Trust (Registration No. HLS-4-00228-2009-10 dated 26/12/2009) whose mission is to work towards realisation of a national vision set out in Article 51A (j) of the Indian Constitution- which prescribes the Fundamental Duty for Indian Citizens and exhorts them “to strive towards excellence in all spheres of individual and collective activity so that the nation constantly rises to higher levels of endeavour and achievement.” The goal of Indian CST is to promote through this one stop portal, a number of projects that will deliver cost effective computing, best practices, knowledge management systems and critical applications at affordable costs to masses across India. Indian CST truly believes in 'IT for Social Change'.

II. Quick Facts about Indian CST

1.Thought Leadership of Civil Services and Industry Officials & Founded during November 2009

2.Social Inclusion to reflect the minds of governing, governed & bridge the gap.

3.Technology for Social Transformation.

4.Solutions for problems with ‘Reverberance Effect’.

5.Social Entrepreneurship Model.

6.Consider us like ‘Internet Society’ for Governance capability & like Boeing to Wright Brothers for Technology.

7.Efficiency, Transparency & Accountability is our mantra in promoting thought leadership in Governance‘.

8.Bringing Affordable, Pragmatic & Performance Technology Solutions.

9.Developing Technology like ‘Gnu/Linux’ is being developed.

10.Solution offerings.

III. What we do

1.It works towards delivering successful projects in a changing environment.

2.It promotes to bring transparency, efficiency, accountability and metrics in all public funded projects, through technology, empowerment, audit trail and mutual cooperation efficiency transparency and accountability into Publicly funded projects / portfolios using GPMS Cloud.

3.It brings people together and works for their empowerment.

4.It helps citizens to share their problems, pool talents and find solutions.

5.It strives to provide relief for the poor, the distressed, the underprivileged.

6.It encourages good governance and transparency and promotes efficiency and accountability.

7.Efficiency, Transparency & Accountability is our mantra in promoting thought leadership in Governance‘.

8.It works for cost effective solutions in all spheres of life.

9.It Collaborates with Central/State / local self-Governments/ entities like PSUs, CVC, CSIR, NPC on implementation of appropriate cost effective e-governance solutions.

10.It helps professional institutions for monitoring developmental works.

IV. Next 25 Years Plan (2025-2050)

Indian CST will continue to focus on providing end-to-end Make in India’s GPMS Transportal integrated solutions platforms along with cloud infrastructure services for India Market Place (E-commerce), Ecomark certifications, capturing at source UN SDG 3.0 64 parameters and the 17 Goals, by integrating real-time diagnostics, analytics dashboards, Applied AI skill up gradations, and integrated cloud initiatives, maintaining its long-term growth mission and vision.

Our Organization Chart