E-PashuHaat Transportal



Course 69:An Introduction to Metaverse

Duration - 36 Hours ( 6 Hours per week - 2 Hrs x 3)

Week 1 - Metaverse
Learning Outcome
Overall working of Metaverse and key Fundamentals
1.1 Introduction to Unity the underlying framework for Metaverse.
1.2 Understanding the Software and Panel.
1.3 Sample Projects, and their working.

Practical Component
Practical Demonstrations on working of various sample projects built on metaverse to understand the working of various features.
Week 2 - The Building Blocks - Models and Environments
Learning Outcome
Building Blocks of Metaverse, key aspects to create an environment and beyond.
2.1 3D Models and Environments with their animations.
2.2 Integration within Project and Positioning.
2.3 Testing, and Evaluation.

Practical Component
Understand the loading, changing, and managing of various environments.
Week 3 - The Building Blocks - Characters
Learning Outcome
Creating characters that interact with the environment with custom outcomes.
3.1 Understand the Animation process, and character addition.
3.2 Character Environment Interaction, and custom outcomes.
3.3 Character Dynamic Interactions, and preservation of Data.

Practical Component
Understanding the elements of interaction building across the metaverse spectrum.
Week 4 - Custom Development and Constructs
Learning Outcome
Basic exposure to custom development and constructs to allow students to understand how above and beyond functionality and interactive behaviour is achieved.
4.1 Custom Functions on Interactions to allow for dynamic interactive behaviour.
4.2 Custom Functions to Allow for different environment hues and experiences.
4.3 Custom Functions for menus, segways, and other experience creation.

Practical Component
Practical Understanding of customising beyond the permissible buildable demonstrations to arrive at the base of deep customization of experiences.
Week 5 - Preserving Data
Learning Outcome
Understanding how to preserve data across devices, and maintain experiences.
5.1 Login and preservation of identity.
5.2 Preserving progress, and dynamic loading of scenes.
5.3 Saving Scores to be displayed across multiple users.

Practical Component
Understand the concept of backend integration, and how data can be preserved and shared across multiple devices.
Week 6 - Project and Assessment
Learning Outcome
Create a custom experience using the templates, customising all aspects from above mentioned details.
6.1 Experience plan, appropriate customization outline, and outcome creation.
6.2 Initial Self Assessment, and Peer Assessment and review of outcomes.
6.3 Final Presentations and Scoring of outcome Achieved.

Practical Component
Practical Demonstrations of student made metaverse experience, depicting base understanding of working of metaverse and beyond.