Global Business Opportunities Available for Replications
Key Regions

⮚ Establishing India Strategic Development Fund - a Start-up Ecosystem Development Fund on a PPP model
Indian Centre for Social Transformation (Indian CST) is a registered Public Charitable Trust (Registration No. HLS-4-00228-2009-10 dated 26/12/2009) whose mission is to work towards realisation of a national vision set out in Article 51A (j) of the Indian Constitution- which prescribes the Fundamental Duty for Indian Citizens and exhorts them “to strive towards excellence in all spheres of individual and collective activity so that the nation constantly rises to higher levels of endeavour and achievement.” The goal of Indian CST is to promote through this one stop portal, a number of projects that will deliver cost effective computing, best practices, knowledge management systems and critical applications at affordable costs to masses across India. Indian CST truly believes in 'IT for Social Change'.
⮚ Establishing a framework for validating and certifying deserving start-ups for accessing the Fund to ensure the best of the Funds for good quality start-ups
⮚ Funding the selected start-ups with the necessary capital based on the best global practices and guiding them all the way from promising-to-delivering value.
⮚ Mentoring the funded start-ups so that they may thrive in the global markets to enhance Make-In-India brand equity.
⮚ Establishing an e-commerce platform that will extend the reach of start-ups to the global markets. Indian CST will collect convenience charges and transaction fee to maintain and scale up the portal.
⮚ Enhancing produce value from Indian Start-ups by introducing them to the Branded Value Chain through any JV partner with access to worldwide retail outlets.
India Strategic Development Fund(ISDF):
This is a societal change management initiative, to address Job creation for India's demographic dividend by focused capacity building by nurturing the Startup Ecosystem, providing vital global assistance to India's startups through the following transformation solutions:Business and Brand Consulting, Design, and Development:
Offering comprehensive assistance with business growth and brand development for Agri. Dairy, MSME,etc startups.