With 30 years of knowledge and domain experience of designing, and implementing innovative healthcare projects in India for nearly years. Majority of work has been towards developing holistic models to strengthen health system that establishes linkages with community-health system (public & private).
Professional Experience
Senior Public Health Specialist/Advisor-Indian Centre for Social Transformation, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India: Advisor to develop innovative models for Healthcare and Public Health Interventions
Senior Technical Advisor:International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (The Union)
Senior Technical Advisor ICF International
Senior Healthcare Consultant:ICF International
Public Health Specialist World Bank, New Delhi
Public Health Specialist NHSRC, MoHFW, Gol New Delhi
Project Officer, Indian of Technology, Madras IIT Madras
Awards & Certificates/Distinguished Positions held in India
Dr Prasad, has saved millions of lives through innovatively designed and demonstrated models that have had policy level impacts in India and globally. He has an experience of over 20 years at various levels - IIT Madras and World Bank, Government of India, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW), and international organization The Union, ICF International.
The demonstrated innovative models are incorporated into government policies and programme, to mention a few :
(i) "One-Stop TB/DR-TB Diagnostic Solution model(ii) Active TB Case Finding-community levels, Prions etc(iii) development of health systems governance tool kit to analyse - governance structure in public health system. Many of the demonstrated innovative models and designs are published, in scientific journals, international conferences and government reports.
Independently, led the team in conducting evaluations of 30,000 health facilities to incentivize doctors working in difficult and inaccessible areas, which is now part of the National Health Policy, Government of India. Demonstrated private sector engagement for implementation of annual maintenance contract services for 10,000 Microscopies which is now transitioned to respective state governments.
Actively involved in community animal care since 2019, including rescue, foster, and rehabilitation of animals.
Have enhanced the capacity of project staff across 300 districts of India in implementation of Tuberculosis Projects. Have co-ordinated and conducted "Leadership and Management" training for programme managers, and Continued Medical Education for private doctors. Recently provided training for (80) participants of Urban Local Body on health planning in respective cities of India.
As Nodal officer from ministry of health, provided training and capacity building for developing overall health plans at the district, state, and review of plans at the national level under National Rural Health Mission
Over the years, the work experience has been towards strengthening the Health Systems and to address key pertinent public health issues through systematic process. Having worked with the Government, Donor supported projects USAID, The World Bank and The Global Fund, with an aim to ensure probable solutions that would have a positive impact on millions of lives in India and elsewhere.