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Sweet with Absolute Zero- The Banana Juice Extract
⮚ Modern science has discovered that meteorites obtained from outer space are composed mainly of meteoric iron containing vital metals such as nickel, cobalt, copper, carbon, silicon and sulphur. The banana also contains important mineral substances such as fructose, calcium, magnesium, iron, sulphur and supper. It's contents of iron and iodine are rich and high, while the fat contents are low. These are facts that the world of science is familiar with.
⮚ Therefore, if the meteoric iron containing important metals is to be compared with the mineral contents of the banana, then the strange and amazing coincidence will be seen.
I researched about the meteoric iron and was able to achieve it. The statue which I cast from such a metal has the resemblance of the twin daughters of the nuclei. Let me show it to you, so that it can be tested with a magnet.
How wonderful! For the first time I am witnessing a metal which has the outward form of silver, yet contains a tinge of bluish white within its depths. Perhaps this is the kind that ancient metallic weapons like Damasin must have been constructed from.
During my research of the banana, many such wonders have I witnessed, which I have compiled and published in a series of literature. I therefore await that fortunate day when the world will become aware of such research. Meanwhile, see how vitally useful for humanity is the banana.
⮚ The banana flour when mixed with milk and given to children, will induce a greater vitality and ensure them against anaemia. It is an ideal food for scurvy. People afflicted with wasting diseases as well as for undernourished bodies, the banana allows for an increase in the blood count. While for diseases connected with the abdomen, this fruit acts as a valuable recuperant and nourishing food. Preferably to wheat flour, the banana flour is highly nutritious due to its rich vitamin content.
⮚ Those suffering from diseases like jaundice, diabetes, tuber-culosis, liver complaints, etc., will find that the banana is a curative in possessing a therapeutic value. For chronic and other diseases of the heart, this fruit acts as a well balanced and satisfactory diet. The banana has also been found efficacious in curing diseases like cataract, by helping to forego the necessity of surgery.
⮚ Thus independent of any adulteration, the banana's concentrated extract obtained from its juice should be partaken by humanity at large, is my desire; hence could be achieved the same benefit that the gods attained in partaking of the Amritham (nectar). It is therefore the reason why I have described it to be the new and vital juice of honey. This decision I have taken consequent to the realization that it is in truth a meteoric water. Most of the dishes produced from wheat flour can be produced equally from the banana flour. I have researched about the preservation technique of the banana's concentrated juice extract (not through enzymes) and found it could be preserved for years, while its powder can keep for many months. Ancient records reveal that the extrac. tion of banana juice was prominently known during the period of Azhuganni Siddhar (B.C.).
⮚ Hence, can there be a more appropriate factor that can illustrate the life-giving value of the medicines of Siddhars, which can act as both food as well as medicine?. The banana has also been found efficacious in curin diseases like cataract, by helping to forego the necessity surgery. Thus independent of any adulteration, the banana (rasathalli) concentrated extract obtained from its juice shou be partaken by humanity at large, is my desire; whence cou be achieved the same benefit that the gods attained in partaki of the Amritham (nectar). It is therefore the reason why I had described it to be the new and vital juice of honey. This decision I have taken consequent to the realization that it is in tr a meteoric water.
⮚ Most of the dishes produced from wheat flour can produced equally from the banana flour. I have researched about the preservation technique of banana's concentrated juice extract (not through enzymes) found it could be preserved for years, while its powder keep for many months. Ancient records reveal that the ex tion of banana juice was prominently known during the pe of Azhuganni Siddhar (B.C.). Hence, can there be a more appropriate factor that illustrate the life-giving value of the medicines of Sido which can act as both food as well as medicine?