African Countries, MENA Countries, GCC Countries, Global FANA Embassies in 176 Countries.
Bruhat Bengaluru Mahanagara Palike (BBMP)
- BBMP signed MOU with Indian CST for providing of consultancy services, project monitoring, financial management monitoring, medical reimbursement monitoring and providing cloud computing solutions as services to BBMP under their e-governance city government initiatives that was provided for real time monitoring and management of their works, which are going on in various parts of the City. If someone wants to monitor any particular project being executed by BBMP, with respect to its timely completion, cost effectiveness or quality, they can follow the progress of the work by selecting the project and putting the same on their watch list. As progress gets uploaded on BBMP's website in real time, they will get alerts and the public can also upload complaints, photographs,videos, audio and feedbacks to ensure that the work proceeds in the desired direction. Indian CST's Make in India's GPMS Transportal Cloud Computing Platform empowers the citizens to participate and strive towards excellence in all spheres of individual and collective activity so that the nation constantly rises to higher levels of endeavour and achievement. (As enshrined in Article 51A of the Indian Constitution) The purpose of this Memorandum of Understanding has enabled various cloud computing services for BBMP by customizing Indian CST's GPMS Transportal to the Municipality requirements that was successfully delivered based on the GPMS Transportal cloud computing integrated solution/s which Indian CST has been supporting BBMP engineers, offices from 2009 till date, currently 1,10,000+ projects have been updated online by the BBMP engineers into the global project monitoring solutions e-tool (GPMS) online, this by far is the single largest collection of civil infrastructure project information in any government body in Karnataka or India, Having trained nearly BBMP 27,500 people i.e. engineers, staff, officers, across Head office, 8 Zones, 198 wards, 450 offices, 10,00,000 plus receipts have been issued, nearly 1,50,000 bills have been cleared online in the GPMS-FMS transactions have crossed amounting to Rs. 10,500 crores till date. In the BBMP health care department too Indian CST has customized the GPMS for Birth and Death monitoring for reporting online for the hospitals across Bengaluru and they have already updated about 6,00,000 people information online this could happen as Indian CST's GPMS platform integrated 1300 hospitals, 198 wards, 8 zones, head office, etc., as given by BBMP health department.
Thesis: Ph. D. in Urban and Regional Planning, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Urban Studies and Planning, 2018.
- Information technology governance and local public financial management reform : the case of Bangalore, India
- Decentralization policy in India has coalesced in recent years around interrelated concerns over the transparency of local government financial management and reporting systems and the capacity of urban local bodies to implement modern performance budgeting and accrual accounting structures. This dissertation examines the relationship between these policy concerns in the case of Bangalore and looks deeply into the role of information technology providers in advocating for greater local government financial transparency and accountability through financial management information system projects. Utilizing the concept of legitimacy games I find that mechanisms to support coordination in project implementation are subject to partially predictable but ultimately uncontrollable contingent interactions of norms, values, and structural arrangements that surround government financial management information systems. The latter are largely unstable over time given frequent changes to administrative personnel and the broader authorizing environment. Consequently, coordination within information technology project implementation spurs competition in legitimacy games between information technology subcontractors and systems. Under such conditions, forms of collective action around political accountability in urban governance spur a double movement of information democratization and information closure in entrepreneurial issue networks. As a result, the extent of effective local government financial transparency becomes increasingly dependent on the internal characteristics and relative power of information gatekeepers. The findings of the case study contribute to new knowledge on the relationship between information technology and local public financial management procedures and practices. The notion of legitimacy games draws stark contrast to conventional assumptions surrounding competition in public sector outsourcing arrangements, namely that it is driven by the desire for larger contracts so as to maximize profits or that it bids down prices in government outsourcing. The case illustrates how behavioral incentives to link financial management information systems to public transparency and accountability mechanisms emerge in highly localized confrontations not as a concerted response to national policy. The real effect of such technologies on local state capacity has been limited in the case of Bangalore. In order to achieve more transformational impact, policymakers, public managers, and technology providers must carefully consider how to handle large volumes of financial information corresponding to irregular transactions